Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Baby Boy

I went in for my 20 week ultrasound today. Everything looked healthy and we learned we are going to have another little boy. We are both very excited. The due date is November 3...so it's going to be a long summer. Silas, my firstborn, is too young at 15 months to understand, but I'm hoping that since they will be close in age that they will be good friends. Well, 20 more weeks to go and Salem Rockwell will be here!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Case File 2 - Josh's T-shirts

So, this is my first official blog...aside from the last one, which was really an intro. I was thinking hard about what to write for the first one. Maybe something interesting about myself...but that was hard to come up with. So I decided to write about my favorite person. My husband, Josh. I am 20 weeks pregnant with our second child. I find out Tues. if it's a girl or boy. But aside from all that excitement, I'm starting to pop out quite a bit. I don't want to stretch out my t-shirts that I wear to bed...so it's time to make the switch. I get to wear Josh's t-shirts to bed. My husband has been an avid t-shirt collector since his teen years. He gets this weird thrill from finding a shirt in a thrift store. And with his wacky sense of humor, they all have some pretty wacky stuff on them. Tonight I'm wearing a royal blue shirt with the word TOFULITE all in white caps across the front...I know...I have no idea either. My favorite part about the shirts is how soft they are, since they are usually old and well-worn. Also, how they smell like a mixture of Josh and his grandfather's old dresser in which they find a home. But most of all, how for the next several months, every time I put on one of his shirts I can giggle at his silly spirit, and snuggle in the softness of the shirt, just as if he were hugging me his self.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Case File 1

Welcome to my blog. I just started today. Just a place I can journal away and keep up with family and friends. Come back soon!!